The AGC Experience

You're Unconscious, and What to do About it.

Accelerated Global Connections

The AGC Experience podcast features our AGC Talks speakers sharing their message in an audio podcast that you can listen to from anywhere. Listen in to our recent AGC Talks featured guest. Listen as Seth Tufte shares You're Unconscious, and What to do About it, a motivational talk with AGC Minneapolis January 2022. 


In the first 7 years of life, humans are programmed by their parents and environment to become a carbon copy of those influences. This programming is not optional, rather automatic. If your parents ever told you dont talk to strangers, or money is the root of all evil, then chances are you have some self-limiting beliefs surrounding money and taking risks. 


In this talk we will discuss why this programming takes place, how to see it for yourself, and what to do about it. 



Learning Objectives: 

  • The 3 layers of the mind (conscious, subconscious, unconscious) and what each on is for 
  • How programs are stored within us 
  • Identifying the programs that are holding you back 
  • How to go about rewriting your programming for success in any field 


Speaker Bio: 

Seth Tufte (28). I grew up in Minneapolis, MN. Currently, I live in Elko New Market. By profession I am a private educator. I specialize in helping people learn information, rather than just memorizing it. I have a magnificent obsession with education, and my personal mission statement is- to end child slavery, abuse, and poverty. 


AGC Accelerated Global Connections is a business networking organization that helps connect business professionals globally through in person networking, motivational talks, and online social profiles. To learn more about AGC and membership in this growing organization.  Visit