The AGC Experience

The Ultimate Hack for Mastering Your Performance

Accelerated Global Connections

The AGC Experience podcast features our AGC Talks speakers sharing their message in an audio podcast that you can listen to from anywhere. Listen in to our recent AGC Talks featured guest. Listen as Daniel Diaz shares The Ultimate Hack for Mastering Your Performance a motivational talk with AGC Minneapolis September 2021.  


Throughout life we will face adversity and challenges in some form or fashion. They may be physical, relational, financial, occupational, spiritual, mental, or emotional. No matter where we are in life, at some point we will meet an opportunity that demands a higher version of ourselves. The way we cultivate and nurture powerful character traits in life will determine our preparedness for these moments. 


Daniel will discuss his favorite system for downloading an abundance of powerful attributes that massively aid us in the growth of our lives and businesses. Daniel believes this to be the most powerful performance hack available. Incorporate this in your life, and you will be ready for anything. 


"When the time to perform arises, the time to prepare is over." 


Learning Objectives: 

  • Limiting language and how it shapes our lives 
  • The #1 performance hack that will alter your state of being 
  • How to shatter your limiting beliefs 
  • The power of our mind & spirit vs the body 


Speaker Bio: 

Daniel Diaz is a speaker and life mastery coach with acute focus in peak performance, mindset, and habit reform. His proprietary program serves entrepreneurs and purpose driven individuals looking to excel in both achievement and fulfillment. Educated through Tony Robbins, Daniel has a unique way of helping his clients remove limiting beliefs, create pattern and habit change, and execute on a new set of actions that propel them into their best life. He is on a mission to help millions of people rediscover their inherent worth and step into their limitless possibilities. 


AGC Accelerated Global Connections is a business networking organization that helps connect business professionals globally through in person networking, motivational talks, and online social profiles. To learn more about AGC and membership in this growing organization.  Visit